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Top Earning Google AdSense Ad Sizes 2018

Which ad sizes are performing well and generate higher earnings? here, we are going to analyze most effective Google AdSense banner sizes and native ads unit to boost ad revenue.

AdSense offers a different type of ad sizes and ads formats which helps publishers increase their potential earnings. Moreover, in 2018 Google AdSense was introduced more native ads unit for publishers. However, some banner size generates higher revenue than other display advertising formats so it is crucial to find best Google ad sizes for increasing Adsense earnings.

When you placed wider and taller ads size, you can significantly increase your earnings. Google ads recommend 300×600, 336×280, 300×250, 728×90, 320×100 large mobile banner and responsive ad unit. If you positioned these banner sizes that are mating with website layouts, you will get effective and successful results. If publishers choose Adsense optimized WordPress themes for websites, they will get the best performance without annoying visitors. There are many ad networks on the digital marking but AdSense is the most popular excellent ad platform. Let’s take a look at most effective ad sizes in 2018.

Best performing ads units 2018

Responsive Ad Units

The automatic size responsive unit performs well. If you positioned before content, absolutely you amazed with outcomes. Always remember select text and image display ads.

300×600 Large Skyscraper banner size

When you placed 300×600 Large Skyscraper banner size on top of the sidebar widgets, it gives best results you. 300×600 ad size has higher CPM rate you will get benefit from this ad unit.

Link Ads Responsive

Responsive link ad is one of the best unit terms generate revenue for your site. Under the main navigation bar is the best for put this ad link unit.

In-article Ad

In-article Ad has the higher clickthrough rate. If you place inArticle ads after the second paragraph, it will lot of clicks so you can increase your earnings.

Matched content

The responsive matched content unit is performing well when you placing it after content of your page. Niche website generates the best clickthrough rate (CTR) with this ad units.

728 x 90 Leaderboard

Placing 728 x 90 Leaderboard ad size on the header gives most effective CPM rate for publishers.

300×250 banner size

300×250 banner size is the oldest effective ad format for positioning before content, sidebar and after paragraphs.

336×280 display banner size

336×280 display is another best unit for placing after paragraphs on your site.

Google removes AdSense ad unit limit policy for every site. You can now place an unlimited number of AdSense ads on a page.

AdSense Text & Display Ads Units – Standard Banner Ad Sizes

Native Ads Units

Links Ad Sizes

 Search Ads

Publishers can place maximum two search bar ads on the page.

Page-level ads

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