A Beginner’s Guide To Twitter Spaces

Audio streaming has gained widespread popularity among internet users recently. Most of you would have probably heard about Clubhouse, which is an audio streaming app used by Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musks, Jared Leto, Drake, Kevin Hart, and several other people. They use Clubhouse for doing live talks to their audience (pretty much like a podcast). 

The increasing demand of Clubhouse urged Twitter to release their version of audio chat rooms called Spaces. The decision to launch Spaces was initially announced by Twitter in December 2021 and they managed to roll out a beta version after one month. The beta version of Twitter Spaces was only available to a few selected people. 

However, Twitter has now made it official that users with 600 followers or more will be able to host Spaces. It doesn’t matter whether you are using iOS or Android devices, if you have 600 or more followers, you will be able to host and use Twitter Spaces. 

Things To Know About Twitter Spaces 

Twitter Spaces can be used by users to host and participate in audio conversations that are hosted within audio chat rooms (Spaces). This means that a Twitter user who is eligible to use Spaces can have live audio conversations with one or more people. 

The officials from Twitter have confirmed that they will be retaining copies from Spaces to review them for violations. The copies will be retained for around 30 days. During this period, the host will be able to download a copy while others who joined the audio conversation will be able to download a transcription. 

Where Can I Find Twitter Spaces 

Since Twitter Spaces is a relatively new feature, you will probably have a few doubts about it. For instance, you might not know where you can find it on the Twitter app on your smartphone. Twitter Spaces can be usually found just above the Home section. 

When a person you follow speaks or starts a space, then it will appear right at the top of the timeline. The Space, which will be displayed as a purple bubble will stay as long as the conversation is active. 

Twitter users who are joining as a listener can react to the conversations with emojis. They will also be able to DM the Space, tweet, and even request the host for permission to speak. 

When you are creating a Twitter Space, then you will be in total control of who is speaking, topics discussed, and everything else. An interesting thing about Twitter space is that only the host will be able to stop or end the live audio conversation. Here are a few tips on how to create a Twitter Space. 

When you are creating a Twitter space, you enjoy the luxury of selecting who will be able to join the space. You can choose from the following list of options. 

  • People you follow
  • Everyone
  • Only the ones you invite 

Since Twitter Spaces are public, users will be able to join the conversation as listeners. Twitter hasn’t set any limits to the number of persons who can listen to Spaces. The host will be able to block, remove, and report users from the Space whenever he or she wants. 

Using Twitter Spaces For Businesses 

Most online marketers will be planning to include Twitter Spaces into their marketing strategy. If you have a solid social media marketing strategy, then Twitter Spaces might help you. If your business rarely posts on Twitter and has fewer followers, then Spaces might not work for you. 

That said, you can try using Twitter Spaces a couple of times and see if your followers are listening to them or not. This will help you decide whether you should continue hosting Twitter Spaces or not. Here are a few ways that will explain how businesses can make the most of Twitter Spaces. 

Thought Leadership 

Most businesses that use social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram want to establish themselves as thought leaders. The design of Twitter Spaces is in such a way that it is an ideal option to host industry panels. 

This means that Twitter Spaces offers businesses an opportunity to offer value to their audience through live audio conversations. You could also consider hosting a webinar with an employee of yours sharing his or her industry expertise. 

Q&A Sessions 

Businesses should consider hosting ask-me-anything or Q&A sessions on Twitter Spaces. This will encourage your customers to make use of the request-to-speak feature. You may have probably seen several businesses following this approach on Instagram Stories. 

However, Twitter Spaces may work better than Instagram stories because customers will be able to ask questions in real-time and get instant responses. So, host an ask-me-anything or Q&A session about a newly released feature or product. 

Conversations On Live Events 

Twitter is an excellent social media platform to talk about live broadcasts, sports events, and TV shows. If you are someone who is in the media business, then using Twitter Spaces to have conversations about live events can do wonders for your business. 

You can invite well-loved figures such as celebrities to join the conversation. Audiences will be able to share their thoughts on live events or TV shows with others. 

Movie/Product/Album Releases 

Twitter Spaces is an excellent way to alert your audience about an upcoming product, movie, or music album. Users will be thrilled to know more about the release and they would want to ask a few questions regarding the same, which will urge them to join the conversation. 

This means that you can use Twitter Spaces to promote upcoming products, movies, and albums. If you are releasing a product, you can share info on how it can help customers and what makes it unique. Moreover, you can use Spaces to offer attractive deals and promotional offers to customers. 

Wrapping Up 

Twitter Spaces is undoubtedly an amazing addition to Twitter and it has the potential to help your business grow. So, try to put the new Twitter feature to good use, as it can surely bring satisfactory results for your business. 

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