Fighting your way through the competition on Facebook can get pretty tough, especially if you do not have as much money as the big corporations. It becomes even more problematic if you are just starting out since very few people will see your content on the platform if they are not following you already. Well, even if things might look bleak, it does not mean that you should give up without even trying. As long as you are willing to work hard and learn from your mistakes, you can expect to reach your goal. And the following tips should help you even more on that.
Even the shortest message should have meaning. If you start to spout nonsense, your page audience will start to shrink in no time. A small business should take extra precaution to ensure that there are no hiccups with social media handling. Also, there is an argument to be made about boosting posts and expecting them to bring more positivity.
Special Deals
There are some apps to help people find the best possible deal out there. Whenever someone sees the word “discount”, chances are that he or she will be more likely to purchase the product. Even if they are not familiar with the original price. Of course, slapping that word without real meaning might work at first, but it will become irreversible damage in the long run. Therefore, if you are offering a special deal, make sure that it is really special.
Profile Page
On the surface, it might not seem like that big of a deal, but potential customers take note of these things. This is a public profile, available for everyone to see. Make sure to invest money into a logo and a nice cover. These two appeal to your visitors and if they catch their eyes, you can expect a lot of positivity. Finally, there is also the business information that should never be neglected.
Create Giveaways
Nothing brings as much engagement as contests and giveaways. It is quite easy to organize one yourself. Just make a with participation rules. Everybody who wants to enter should like, share, leave a comment, tag another person. If you have been browsing Facebook, you should be familiar with this method. Our brains are programmed in a way that passing an opportunity to win free stuff for virtually nothing is almost impossible. It would be worth mentioning that plenty of pages like to scam people and not give out the prizes. Sooner or later these things catch up with the organizer, so do not bother with it yourself.
Facebook Stories
The page is as good as the content it has. Putting out the same old thing will become a pain to your readers and customers. Introducing new things will spice things up. Facebook has recently added stories as a new feature. Internet entrepreneurs are still trying to figure out the best method to make use of them. Oberlo has prepared a Facebook stories guide on their website. Be sure to read that one since it has all the information you might need.
Promote Elsewhere
One way to ensure that your page continues to move in the right direction is by diversifying promotion channels. Facebook is not the only popular social media platform. Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and plenty of other sites could do wonders to your page’s growth. Reddit and Quora are also great because of the amount of traffic that they receive. It will be an entirely different battle trying to get attention on there, but the efforts are worth it.
Facebook Groups
A business can benefit not just from a promotional channel, but one that allows information exchange. For instance, if you are dealing with pet accessories, there should be more than enough enthusiasts for discussions related to your business. Sharing content in a group is possible for everyone. It creates an environment which is similar to a community. A no-brainer why this is healthy for any business.
Boost the Best Posts
Visibility is key when it comes to receiving more customers. Facebook ads and boosts allow you to reach an audience which would never see your posts if it weren’t for the two. Boosts and ads cost money, but if you can find someone to make a great campaign, it should add an extra layer to overall improvements.
Facebook is not going away anytime soon. That is why you should focus on it regardless of the budget and knowledge. The number of active users on the platform continues to grow, and every single one of these new profiles could become your potential customer.