Barcelona-based visual illustrator Alex shared some cool illustrations of our daily life problems. Here are the best visuals that will change your life.
#1 Hard work and consistency often overlooked by others.
#2 Small steps, big changes.
#3 We are for more capable and resolutive than we think.
#4 Short term intensity vs Long term consistency
In the short term, you are as good as your intensity.
In the long term, you are only as good as your consistency.
#5 What do you prefer to rely on in order to reach your goals
#6 Today is a gift. Accept it.
#7 How are you feeling today?
#8 Keep failing.
#9 Remember to look back from time to time. Give yourself some credit.
#10 Failure is not the opposite of success. It’s always a part of it.
#11 Stoicism has really changed my life.
Stop reacting based on your perceptions. Breath. Give it a thought.
#12 That task you keep postponing.
#13 Most of our daily struggles…
#14 Asking for help is NOT a sign of weakness.
It takes a lot of courage.