17 Event Flyer Templates for Upcoming Events and Functions

Today, we have collected some best event flyer templates. Choose a template and customize flyer design for your need and promote your upcoming events with great style. If you are familiar with photoshop tools, you can easily replace the background, image, text colour style using layer option such as gradient/colour overlay what’s there. These flyers were created using Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop CC with older version compatible.


Photography Flyer Template

Showcase your creative photos in this business flyer template that is suitable for fashion event, wedding, advertisement, model, photo shoot… View Link


Summer Party Event Flyer Templates Free Download

This is a summer event flyer psd template for parties and night club shows to light up the energy. This psd kit also includes a Facebook cover for better reach of audience. Download 

Summer Party flyer templates free download

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Memorial Day Weekend

The countdown to Memorial Day 2015 has begun, and Americans are more eager than ever to get away from it all. Memorial Day Weekend is a time to remember those who have lost their lives in USA military service and also mark the beginning of the summer months.

This traditional red white and blue flyer design is the perfect advertisement for your parties, communal get togethers and services this Memorial Day Weekend. View Link

Memorial Day Weekend Flyer Template


Rock event flyer templates free psd

Lithium music flyer is perfect for a grunge music night and also alternative rock event. Dowload 

Rock event flyer templates free psd


Anniversary Celebration Flyer

This is an elegant style anniversary party flyer perfect for your gala dinner event. View Link

Anniversary Celebration Flyer Template


Wedding Event Flyer Templates

Couple can use this high quality flyer design, ideal for Wedding invitations, marriages, or any other similar events. View Link

Wedding Event Flyer Template


Live music event free flyer templates word

Rock The Night Flyer is a simple and minimal design with an high visual impact print template perfect for every kind of music concert. Download

Live music event free flyer templates word


Summer Event Flyer Design

This flyer photoshop template is support for Adobe Photoshop CC and minimum Adobe Photoshop CS version. View Link 

Natural Sound Summer Flyer Template



Shine – Summer Festival Print Template

This poster can be used for live music event on the beach such as a gig, concert, dj set, weekly event in a music club and other kind of special evenings and also a new album promotion purposes. View Link

Shine Summer Festival Print Template


 4th of July Party Flyer Template

Enjoy this 4th July Party Flyer Template, to promote in your Club Party but you can also use it as USA Themes any other event that can fit on this flyer, this ad will overload your nightclub, give it a try. View Link

4th of July Party Flyer Template


Summer Time Flyer PSD Template

Summer Time Flyer is designed to promote your next Summer party, Summer event, or for any advertisement need related with Summer season/Summer holiday.Very easy to use, all elements are editable with beauty light effects. View Link

Summer Time Flyer PSD Template


Kids Summer Camp Event

This flyer template designed exclusively for summer camps, event, sports, school activities, family day, community or any of use. View Link

Kids Summer Camp Event Flyer


Clubbing Flyer Template PSD

Fully layered PSD File easy to edit text and elements. View Link

Clubbing Flyer Template PSD


Intercession Church Events Flyer

This flyer can be used to promote church events, such as conferences, conventions, prayer meetings, sermons and more. View Lnk

Intercession Church Events Flyer


Artwork party flyer psd free template

The PSD file is very well organised, with color coded groups and layers named appropriately. Download

Artwork party flyer psd free template


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