Some people are probably unaware of just how difficult it is to remove an application from a Macbook for good. Sure, there are some instances when dragging an icon and putting it in the trash bin will do the job, but it is only a fraction of what you need to do.
No, a complete removal requires a lot more. Supplementary files are taking space in your hard drive and they will not evaporate on their own. It can be frustrating to see messages that you are running out of storage space, but if you were to make some effort, the problem would not persist.
Imagine putting this aside and not bothering. The amount of junk that accumulates in a year or even longer is staggering. The whole thing culminates as a catalyst for a sudden decrease in the computer’s performance.
But not all is doom and gloom. There are quite a few uninstallers for mac that make living a lot easier. The only matter you need to take care of is picking one.
The list below provides you with the best available uninstallers so be sure to read through everything and decide which one you want for yourself.
CleanMyMac X
When it comes to the overall top pick, CleanMyMac definitely takes the cake. The words to describe it the best would be “all-in-one” utility. It functions not just as a way to get rid of all the junk files on your system, but also as a means to protect the computer from malware and improve speed optimization.
CleanMyMac is available for free and you can download it in a matter of minutes. Once it is ready, feel free to give it a spin and see how quick it indicates which of your apps are nothing but leftovers.
Every little bit of junk will get cleaned and you will definitely be surprised by how much free drive space appears.
You will be in control of everything and select whichever apps should go and which should stay. Finally, all the leftovers, caches, and other associated files of deleted apps are located automatically, freeing you up from bothering with such matters on your own.
Another software on the list is Hazel. While it may seem like this one is nothing special at first, opinions change as soon as users start to discover how much it actually has to offer.
You are free to create condition-based rules and decide how to carry out the task of cleaning the drive. Automation is part of the package as well, just like most people expect.
Those who want to keep clean desktops, organize media files, archive stuff will be the biggest benefactors from using Hazel. And, of course, when you want to permanently delete applications.
The rule-based interface is certainly not for everyone and it takes time getting used to things. It happens to be the biggest downside as complicated software is certainly not for everyone. However, if you have no problem with it, you will certainly find Hazel to be one of the best available software.
App Zapper
The name suggests what App Zapper does best. If you like to use the method of dragging and dropping, this one is definitely for you. All you need to do is select the app and drag it to the tab for zapping. Once finished, you will see the related files and be free to choose what you want to do with them.
Junk files, widgets, plugins, and settings are just a few things that Zapper can remove. If you are looking for simplicity and a well-rounded option, App Zapper is one of the best available choices.

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Once again, the name tells you everything you need to know. AppDelete is quick and effective so those who do not have the whole day to play with finding junk files will want to give this one a try.
AppDelete comes with everything that you expect to find in such software, as well as some other neat features, like the option to undo the work and helping you restore files that were deleted unintentionally.
Another hunter that will get on top of all the junk files like caches, duplicates, and anything else that has no place on the computer in the first place.
One of the most underappreciated features of TrashMe is its ability to track down incomplete downloads that also take space on the hard drive.

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This particular software stands out from the rest by offering plenty of different operations and scanning processes.
The interface is one of the first things that most people notice immediately. You can organize work in an orderly fashion and focus on very specific tasks, like finding duplicates or cache files.
The uninstaller also actively provides some suggestions for files that are redundant.