Apple is reportedly developing a new HomePod smart speaker with an S8 chip and similar audio quality to the original model. According to Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, Apple wants to introduce a “deluge” of new products this fall and in the first half of 2023. And while many of the reportedly in-development devices by the corporation won’t come as much of a surprise, one is exciting.
Gurman claims Apple is getting set to release a new HomePod speaker that will resemble the original 2018 model in both design and sound. Due to poor sales, the HomePod was discontinued by the firm in 2021 without a direct replacement being revealed. Right now, the $99 HomePod mini is your only choice if you want a smart speaker with Siri.
New HomePod could feature an S8 chip
The next-gen HomePod speaker, which goes by the codename B620, will have an upgraded top display with some sort of multi-touch functionality. The smart speaker will reportedly be powered by the S8 SiP, which will make its debut on the Apple Watch Series 8 later this year. The chip’s specifications appear to be only slightly better than those of the S7 from last year. The HomePod mini has an S5 SiP in it, while the original HomePod has an A8 chip inside.
The S6 processor is around 20% faster than its previous generation. Here’s what Gurman reported:
The HomePod, code-named B620, will run the same S8 chip coming to the watches and will be closer to the original HomePod in terms of size and audio performance rather than a new HomePod mini. The new HomePod will have an updated display on top and there’s even been some talk of multi-touch functionality.
Apart from such an updated HomePod, Gurman thinks Apple is working on at least four new Mac models and a refresh of the AirPods Pro, among other devices. Bloomberg has the entire specifics of Apple’s near-term product roadmap, which Bloomberg calls “one of the most ambitious” in the company’s recent history.
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